take place, happen, occur, come about和break out用法区别

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take place, happen, occur, come about和break out用法区别

2023-10-24 06:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、take place, happen, occur, come about和break out用法区别take place, happen, occur, come about和break out用法区别这些词或短语都有“发生”的意思,但用法各不相同,区别如下:(1). take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.The Olympic Games of 2008 w

2、ill take place in Beijing.(2) .happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件,例如:What happened to you? (一般不说:What did you happen?)Maybe something unexpected happened.I happened to see him on my way home.= It happened that I saw him on my way home.(3). occur作“发生、想到、突然想起”解,其意义相当于happen,例如:What has occurred? (=What has

3、happened?)A big earthquake occurred (=happened) in the south of China last month.It occurred to me that she didnt know I had moved into the new house.(4). come about表示“发生、产生”,多指事情已经发生了,但还不知道为什么,常用于疑问句和否定句,例如:When Mother woke up, she didnt know what had come about.Ill never understand how it came abo

4、ut that you were late three times a week.Do you know how the air accident came about?(5). break out意思为“发生、爆发”,常指战争、灾难、疾病或者争吵等事件的发生,也可以表示突然大声叫喊等,例如:Two world wars broke out last century.A fire broke out in the hospital in the mid-night.After the flood, diseases broke out here and there.She broke out,

5、 “That is too unfair!”occur vi. 1发生 2 想起,想到常用搭配:sth. occurs to sb.:某人突然想起某事; It never occurred to sb. that:某人从未想到More people are afraid to take planes because several air crashes have occurred this month.Suddenly a good idea occurred to her.It never occurred to us that the well-dressed man was a pic

6、kpocket.我们决没有想到,那个衣冠楚楚的人是个扒手。happen vi 1发生(多指偶然发生) 2碰巧,恰巧(不可用被动)常用搭配:happen to sb.:某人会怎样 happen to be; happen to do; it (so) happened thateg The accident happened during a stormy night.What will happen to them if they lose their way in the forest?He happened to be out shopping when the fire broke ou

7、t.= It (so) happened that he was out shopping when the fire broke out.火灾发生时,他碰巧外出购物。happen常指一件事出乎意料地发生了,强调偶然性,happen还有碰巧;在以具体事物、事件为主语时happen和occur往往可以通用。如,The explosion occurred / happened 5 minutes ago.如果所发生的事不具体,happen比occur要好。如,I dont know what happened after I left.take place 1发生 2 举行(侧重事先计划好或安排

8、好的事情,不能用被动)eg Do you know when and where the story took place?The Olympic Games take place every for years.In 1919,the May 4 th Movement took place in China.occur 还有被想到,take place还有举行之意。此时它们不可以互换。These plants only occur in Africa的意思为这些植物只是在非洲才有。此句中occur 意思为存在。Happen的三种用法与三点注意 一、happen是不及物动词。happen在初

9、中英语教材中的用法主要有以下三种: 1. sth.+happen+地点/时间,意为某地/某时发生了某事。例如:An accident happened in that street.那条街发生了一起事故。Whats happening outside?外面发生什么事了?2. sth.+happen to+sb.意为某人出了某事(常指不好的事发生在某人身上)。例如:A car accident happened to him yesterday.昨天他发生了交通事故。What happened to you?(=What was wrong / the matter with you?)你怎么啦

10、?3. sb.+happen+to do sth.意为某人碰巧做某事。例如:I happened to meet her in the street.我碰巧在街上遇见她。It happened that I was out when he called.他来访时我碰巧不在。二、同学们在使用happen时,以下三点情况值得注意:1. happen为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。例如,要表示这个故事发生在去年。不能说:The story was happened last year.但可以说:The story happened last year. 2. happen为短暂性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如,要表示这事发生一年了。不能说:This happened for one year.但可以说:This happened one year ago.3. happen一般用来强调某事发生的偶然性。如要表示事先安排或有准备的事情或活动,则不能用h




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